I'm Back
This blog thing is crazy! Some days I can get in, some days it kicks me out! Some days it has no idea who I am? I don't think it's just me because I function just fine on the computer at work and am quite capable of figuring out simple programs (such as the blogging deal) Whatever, maybe it's my pregnancy brain. Anyways I better post some pics before I accidentaly get kicked out again.
I only have two more weeks to go til we get to meet our little babe. Last week I was dilated to almost 3 and the head was at -2. I am anxious to see if there has been any further developments. We have an appointment tomorrow. I'll try to post the results, but no promises:)
Here are a few pictures from my baby shower that my sister, Mom and Aunt Judi threw for me. I had a ton of fun! Thanks, girls
These pictures are from a weekend trip that all the girls in the family took for Jen's birthday. We rented a cabin on Lake Kachees. It was so fun. Tons of snow! We went for a walk, went sleding, played cards & watched the Seahawks get worked by the Green Bay Packers. It was soooo fun. I have the best family! All together it was Aunt Judi, Mom, Jen, Staci, Amy, Sarah, Mackenzie and myself.
And last but not least, belly pics. These were taken around week 35.