Friday, February 27, 2009

OK so this was the morning I lost my beloved binkies FOREVER! Now when I say lost I mean Mommy and Daddy threw them away forever! Ya, perfectly good binks thrown out with the REAL trash, like dirty diapers and left over brocolli from the night before. REAL trash! How was I supposed to know that they would freak out if I showed them my stash of binks. One for my mouth and one for each hand. What's so wrong with that?!? Just trying to be prepared. You never know which end of the crib I might flop to in the middle of the night. Those binks come in handy. Oh well, I have adjusted I suppose but I do miss them from time to time. Here's me with my chip off the ol' block shirt on. I've never heard Mommy call Daddy a Block before but whatever!
Here are 3 of my sweet cousins Mackenzie, Erin and Gina.
Taking a stroll in the Radio Flyer!

Well Mommy learned a lesson this day now didn't she?!?!?

You never know when you are going to get your next meal so I was stocking up just in case. I swear some of the food I get tastes similar to this feast I was so thoroughly enjoying!

Someone please tell me why Daddy thought it would be a good idea to give me a lime?!?!? And why did Mommy grab the camera instead of the lime from my hand!!! These two really are a team huh?


Blogger Tammie said...

Oh Katie - he is super cute!! How did he do with the binki withdrawls?

8:46 PM  
Blogger Rachel Ann said...

Way too cute...I love how he "talks" to us through his pictures!

10:03 PM  
Blogger Bryan & Katie said...

Tammie, It was a little tough for the first couple of days at nap time and bed. He didn't sleep that well because when he would wake up a little he was used to finding his binki and when it wasn't there he would wake himself up looking for it. It was only bad for a few days and I think he sleeps better now than he ever has!
Rachel, thanks I think he is more entertaining than I am:)

8:50 AM  
Blogger CunninghamRules!! said...

He is so precious! I love the "narration" too! It was so good to see you at the marriage retreat, you are looking great girl!

11:25 PM  

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