OK so this was the morning I lost my beloved binkies FOREVER! Now when I say lost I mean Mommy and Daddy threw them away forever! Ya, perfectly good binks thrown out with the REAL trash, like dirty diapers and left over brocolli from the night before. REAL trash! How was I supposed to know that they would freak out if I showed them my stash of binks. One for my mouth and one for each hand. What's so wrong with that?!? Just trying to be prepared. You never know which end of the crib I might flop to in the middle of the night. Those binks come in handy. Oh well, I have adjusted I suppose but I do miss them from time to time. Here's me with my chip off the ol' block shirt on. I've never heard Mommy call Daddy a Block before but whatever!
Here are 3 of my sweet cousins Mackenzie, Erin and Gina.