Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Isn't she adorable?? When I am in the midst of a major road rage moment, I try to think of my niece and how she might react to her Auntie's tone or gesture. It usually does the trick.

Tom, Lis and Berkeley. Aren't they sweet? Berkeley had on the cutest tights. They were just like the ones Big Bird wears. Only little:)

SNOW DAY!!!! We got to stay home because of the big snow fall. Of course we had to take the truck out and see if we could control the beast. I wondered why we were sliding so much since we have a four wheel drive truck. Then I realized we weren't actually using that function. Bryan said it was more fun to just use the 2 wheels, that way he could practice his "get out of a slide maneuver."

Duke LOVES to try to catch snow balls in the air. Not the brightest pup out there, but we love his tenacity.

Peek a boo

Bryan and Duke just lounging around.

Just us cruising around the Lake this summer in my cousin Shawn's boat.